
Streamline Justice With Powerful Legal Software Solution

It's the correct step to provide quicker, more transparent and more accessible justice to all. It's also the logical step for judiciaries around the globe to avoid the risk of abrupt operational pauses and delays, similar to those the world has witnessed when COVID-19 hit.

Digital Courts: Modernize the Judiciary Ecosystem

Digital Courts is an intelligent Dynamics 365-based platform that modernizes court and legal case management at all judiciary levels. It transforms disparate court and cases’ system into streamlined, efficient processes where judges, attorneys are productive, justice is quick, and people are happy.

From case intimation all through proceedings till closures, Digital Courts automates legal case filing, scheduling, routing, and monitoring, in addition to caseload and backlog management, document attachments, visual court hearings, financial calculations, e-payments, e-signatures and more.

Automate Legal Cases

Create intelligent workflows that cover case lifecycle from initiation, proceedings to closure. Monitor everything with analytics and dashboards.

Provide Public Access

Launch a self-service public portal with a secure, anywhere, anytime, and any device, access to case information and eServices.

Ensure Fair Caseloads

Enable automated, random, and manual scheduling, distribution, assignments and management of legal case to judges and administrative staff.

Conduct Virtual Hearings

Detangle courtrooms and streamline visits to courthouses to abide by social distancing, reduce transportation costs, and ensure community safety.



Products & Platfroms


Mirna Aref

General Manager, Microsoft Egypt Partner

We trust that our partners, such as Link Development, can achieve more success stories in driving the government's digital transformation.

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Ahmed Khairy

Counselor, Assistant Minister of Justice, Egypt Economic Courts Customer

We are very impressed too with Link Development for facilitating our digital transformation.

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